Empowering Yourself

Through hypnotherapy achieves a trance state which is a natural, yet altered state of mind in which the barrier between the conscious and subconscious mind is relaxed. The hypnotic trance has been used as a therapeutic tool for thousands of years, by almost every culture. You experience this state every time you day dream, read an engrossing book, lose yourself in artistic expression or drift off to sleep.

If you were to compare your mind to a computer, the subconscious would be where the software is stored. This is where your emotions, memories and beliefs are found. The techniques used in hypnotherapy help you to release old, unwanted programming and stuck emotions and introduce positive ideas that lead to your desired results.

Also the Autonomic Nervous System, which controls our involuntary physiological systems, is governed by the subconscious as well, which is why hypnotherapy is such an effective adjunct to your physician’s care in accelerating healing and pain control.

Why hypnotherapy?

Because it works! There are over 11,000 studies published in medical and psychological journals demonstrating the effectiveness of hypnotherapy for conditions such as phobias, weight loss, smoking cessation, PTSD, pain relief, accelerated healing, anxiety relief and much more. Even the Mayo Clinic endorses the benefits of hypnosis and promotes it.

“I believe that no condition is out of bounds for trying hypnotherapy on.”
~Andrew Weil, MD

“[Hypnotherapy] can also be applied to improving study habits, stress reduction and raising self-esteem. To those in search of better physical or mental health, it’s equally important that hypnotism is becoming increasingly accepted by the medical establishment and is certified by the American Psychiatric Association.”
—Forbes, October 2005

“. . . a growing body of research supports [hypnotherapy] as an effective tool in the treatment of a variety of problems, from anxiety to chronic pain.”
—Newsweek, September 2004